Annual Membership Meeting
Held in May of each year, this meeting examines a pertinent topic in the diversity arena to assist school leaders to effectively address diversity issues in their schools. Past Annual Membership Meetings have focused on topics such as:
- 2023 - Elevating Belonging in Independent Schools: From Concept and Aspiration to Strategy; Keynote Speaker: Crissy Cáceres, Head of Brooklyn Friends School.
- 2021 - A Culturally Responsive Approach to Self-Care: New Tools for A New Era - Speaker, Dr. Shanta Marie, Founder of Radical Self-Care 4 Educators to help educators to incorporate radical self-care strategies and routines into their lives.
2019 - Cradle to Career, Strategies for Supporting Students of Color Toward Post-Secondary and Career Pathways,
Noel S. Anderson Ph.D., Chairperson of the Department of Administration, Leadership and Technology and Clinical Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at NYU-Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development. - 2018 - Leading the Way - Refining the Work: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Schools, Eva Vega-Olds, Director for Community and Diversity at the Town School.
- 2017 - The Role of Race and Ethnicity in Child Development, Lauren Mims, Graduate Instructor, University of Virginia, “Race, Ethnicity and Diversity in Youth Development”; Former Assistant Director, White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans, Obama Administration.
- 2016 - Promoting Racial Literacy In Schools: Differences that Make a Difference, Dr. Howard C. Stevenson, Constance Clayton Professor of Urban Education, Professor of Africana Studies, and former Chair of the Applied Psychology and Human Development Division in the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania
- 2015 – White Dad’s Black Kids, Living Diversity in an Independent School, Frank Ligtvoet, adoptive dad of two black children who attend NYC independent schools; writer for the Huffington Post and the New York Times on issues of diversity and transracial adoption.
- 2014 - Vision Forward: Our Schools, New Lenses; Recognizing the Layers and Filters that Shape Our Independent School Experiences, Liz Fernandez, bilingual and bicultural educator, trainer, and speaker.
- 2013 - Micro-What? The new face of racism in our schools is called microaggressions, Sandra “Chap” Chapman, Director of Diversity and Community at Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School (LREI)
- 2012 - The Promises and Pitfalls of Hiring and Retaining a Diverse Faculty, Dr. Sherry Coleman, STC Consulting & Associates.
- 2011 - From Reflection to Action – Advice, Thoughts, Guidance… Where Do We Go From Here? Faculty of color reflect on their experiences in independent schools
- 2010 - A Peaceable Kingdom, presented by Sam Washington, Director of Multicultural Affairs and an Associate Dean of Admissions at the Lawrenceville School.
- 2009 - How to Make the Invisible Visible: Tools for Pulling Back the Veil of Privilege, presented by Dr. Steven Jones, CEO of Jones & Associates Consulting, Inc.
- 2008 - Examining and Dismantling Privilege and Inequality, presented by Tim Wise, a prominent anti-racist activist and author.
- 2007 - When Person of Color is one of the lenses through which you view the kindergarten application process; a conversation between parents whose children will enter school this September.
- 2006 - Mindgames: The Emotional Gymnastics of Being Black in Schooling Contexts, presented by Howard C. Stevenson, PhD Associate Professor, Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania.
- 2005 - Conversations from the Heart; Early Steps students reflect on their life’s experiences in independent schools.